It is your choice as to how you utilize your time.
I know it sounds simple, but really think about it. You can choose to use your time networking, getting amazing leads, working with clients, and earning money, or you can choose to use your time dealing with emergencies, managing distractions, and being panicked. You might tell yourself that you’re great at multitasking and you get a lot done jumping from task to task, but don’t fool yourself, you’re just being distracted from what really needs to get done.
If you don’t use your discipline to manage your time, you aren't being as productive as you should be. Think about what you need to get done, and think about how you actually spend your time during a typical day.
Do people interrupt you frequently? Do you drop what you’re doing to answer emails, phone calls, and texts? Do you feel like you can’t concentrate on projects that must be finished immediately? All of this is happening because you let it. If you want to calm down and be more productive, you can.
It’s time to take charge of your time.
Structure your days so that you have times mapped out for the different tasks you need to work on. If you’re researching leads, make sure you don’t inadvertently spend that time dealing with people who dropped into your office for a “quick question.” Spend that time researching leads. Turn off your phone, turn off your notifications, and get the job done.
If you’re dealing with real-world interruptions, spread the word about what times you’re available for drop-ins and what times you’re not. Go ahead and block out unavailable times on your calendar. It will help remind you what you’re supposed to be doing, and it will inform anyone you share your calendar with when they can come and see you.
Make distractions part of your schedule.
Once you start limiting those frustrating distractions to certain times, you’ll find that you’re protecting the time you need to work on bigger projects, whether that’s prospecting for new leads, working on your marketing, or taking care of your existing clients.
If you use your time to deal with whatever comes up that needs your attention, then you’re choosing to use your time unwisely. If you make a plan and use your time for the important things instead of the “urgent things,” then you’re choosing to use your time successfully.